Friday, April 27, 2012

Belly buttons are pretty fascinating

If you have seen Landon lately he was probably lifting up his shirt to give you a little peep show. He has discovered that he has a belly button so he has been showing everybody. It's pretty funny because he has such a pot belly, so when he looks down he can't always see his belly button so he has to lift his gut to find it. Feast your eyes on this little tank.

He has been doing some funny things lately. He has learned to pull me to the things he wants and then grunts and points at what he wants. He loves dogs. He thinks its great when they lick his face. But he seriously hates baths right now. I don't know what happened but he SCREAMS when we put him in. He is getting better though. But he loves books which I absolutely love. It has been a lot of fun. I have been a stay at home mom now for 3 weeks. I am getting better at it! I just need to find more things to write about in my blog than Landon : )


  1. I am so excited for you to be a stay at home mom...there is nothing better. All I can suggest is pray through you day and listen to the promptings of the spirit. There were many times I was frustrated because I didn't know what to do a lot of times so I wished that I had been more prayerful and listened to the spirit.
